Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Prop Design

This past summer I have been working with an independent filmmaker as a prop designer.  I was asked to create a half body cast for one of the scenes.  I gathered chicken wire, paper for the paper maché covering, paper maché pulp, gesso and glue.  It was a great creative adventure, not to mention it overtook my dining table for about a week.  It has gone to the filmmaker who will put the finishing touches on it. 

I am now on to the next prop - an elk head.  This is a full head mask that will be used by one of the dancers in the film: SINCERUS.   To build the head to scale, I was able to measure the head of a real elk (stuffed).  I was wondering if a real set of antlers could be used, however I discovered that a set of antlers from a mature elk weighs between 30 and 40 pounds.  The ones I am creating have a metal rod core and are surrounded by foam rubber, a much lighter pair of antlers.  I will have to build them up a bit more around the base and point the prongs before covering them.  I am looking forward to the building of this full scale mask.

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