Sunday, 6 May 2012


Hello!  It has been over a month since my last blog.  Sometimes I wonder where the time goes.  That being said, I haven't been sitting on my thumbs.  New books for an upcoming book fair in June are hot off the table.  The bookbinding class finished in early April and Creative Bookbinding at the Summer Academy for Adults will be in July and August at the Ottawa School of Art.  New classes for the fall and winter have been accepted at the Ottawa School of Art, Orleans campus at the Shenkman Centre. 


Endearment Books

This Endearment Book is in a box, and the box is on a leather covered base with jewelled feet mounted on another base.  The book is coptic bound and contains 60 pages of Fabriano sketch paper.  This would be a great first anniversary gift for that special someone. 

The triangle book with case came about when I started playing with a piece of paper.  It just wasn't big enough to make a square or rectangular book.  At one point I joined one corner to another and the triangle book was born!  I used a beautiful Japanese paper for the sleeve and hand woven silk from an Obi to cover the book.  Blue agate circles were used for the feet and to decorate the top of the sleeve.  The book is coptic bound and has 60 pages of Fabriano sketch paper.  

This triangle Endearment Book was made from a beautiful Japanese paper.  I painted the interior of the sleeve with copper acrylic paint and used red wooden beads for the feet.  The book is coptic bound with 60 pages of Fabriano sketch paper. 

This book sleeve was made with Lokta paper.  It is a Nepalese handmade paper made from the inner bark of wild shrubs (Daphne Papyracea)  found in the Himalyan mountains at an elevation of 2,000 to 2,700 meters.  It is strong and insect resistant.  The Lokta shrubs regenerate every 6 to 8 years, thus preserving the fragile ecology of Nepal.  The flap is lined with leather and the closure is a brass button with Hermes embossed on it and leather thongs. 

The book cover is made from another Nepalese handmade paper with gold decoration and the fly leaf is an animal printed tissue.  The book is coptic bound with 60 pages of Fabriano sketch paper. 


This weekend has been so sunny and warm, the grass is a bright green and the dandelions have burst forth, competing with the tulips.  Winter puts a real damper on my photography, so yesterday, camera and tripod in hand, I ventured into the downtown core.  We have so many beautiful glass buildings downtown and on a sunny day the reflections are eye candy, so I am sharing some of the images I captured.  I love using pictures of windows and doors to make collages for my books. 

Walking along Bank Street, there are some beautifully designed bike stands.  When the sun shines through them, they leave these artistic images on the sidewalk.

This one had the bike lock still attached to it, but the bike was gone.


This building is on Sparks Street.  It houses the Currency Museum.  I really like the effect of the oxidization on the metal columns.  The reflection of the neighbouring building in its windows creates an abstract futuristic look. 

I really like the warped lines of the building being reflected in these windows.  I wonder if such images inspired Gaudi's architectural designs. 

This reflection shows the construction of the building across the street and to the right, part of the Parliament buildings. 

The Parliament buildings have been greatly distorted in this picture.  I found it very interesting when I was taking this picture that if I took a couple of steps to the right or the left, the strength of the image was lost. 

This is a good example of how an image changes when taking a couple of steps to the left or right. 


I had the opportunity to volunteer my creative talents this spring by decorating two chairs for charities.  The first was the decoration of a Muskoka chair for Cottage Dreams.  A fundraiser for cancer recovery.  The second was the deocration of another chair for the Kaila Beauty and Art Soiree, in memory of Kaila Apple Wong. 

Cottage Dreams Fundraiser

I painted the chair lavendar and then drew the design on the back and arms of the chair. 

I painted the design with copper and midnight blue acrylic paint.  The leaves were green and the vines copper.  I then painted a gold wash over the back of the chair and sealed it with a Soluvar varnish.  The chairs were on view and open for bids at the Cottage and Backyard Show last month. 

Kaila's Beauty and Art Soiree will be held on May 15th from 6:30 - 10:30 at the Michael Gennis Gallery at 416 Richmond Road in Ottawa.  This soiree is being held to raise funds for the volunteer organization called Candlelighters, who provide cancer support programs to children.  Information about tickets is available at: under Events and Activties. 

This rocking chair was donated to me.  It had seen a lot of rocking and at one point had probably spent time on a porch.  

After a couple of base coats of white, the chair gets its first coat of copper. 

After a couple of coats of copper, I applied some words and the poem Invictus on the seat of the chair. 

The final touches involved adding five journals to the chair.  Four journals hung from the arms in leather pouches.  Four of the journals were coptic bound and two had handmade paste paper covers.  One large journal, encased in a handmade paper cover, was held onto the back of the chair with leather straps. 


Last month I discovered a new paper publication in town called, Ottawa Woman.  A paper celebrating the achievements of women.  If you happen across one you'll find me on page 18 as one of the Women on the Move. 


I recently attended a demonstration on Terraskin at Wallacks Art Shop on Bank Street.  It is a new type of paper constructed from minerals and resin.  It has an interesting texture and when I used felt pens on it, it had the appearance of vellum.  The paper is quite sturdy and will be great for making unique book covers. 


I will be offering two one-week  creative bookbinding courses in the Summer Academy for Adults at the Ottawa School of Art on George Street.  The first week is:

  • July 16 - 20, 2012 -  9:00 to 4:00 - Course #: S12DAAC2 -  $260
    1. Registration is now open: online registration at: - General Interest, Summer Academy Adults or in person at 35 George Street, Ottawa, ON.
  • August 13 - 17, 2012 - 9:00 to 4:00 - Course information TBA.

A special thank you to Dr. Janice Clarkson, Managing Editor of Ottawa Woman, for including me in the Women on the Move section of her publication.   

A special thank you to Leah Cohen at the Library and Archives on Wellington Street for taking the time to show and explain books and their contents , from the Jacob Lowy Collection,  to me.  Jacob Lowy, an Ottawa businessman, donated his world class library of rare and old Hebraica and Judaica books.  I viewed an incunabula that was printed in 1470 which was amazing.  I also saw beautiful illumination, calligraphy and modern interpretations.  It was a very fulfilling visit. If you have a chance to visit the collection, I highly recommend it.  The collection is open Wednesdays for viewing.  Make sure to make an appointment before attending.  Leah Cohen may be contacted at: 613-997-7549 or at

I'm off to visit the Library and Archives book preservation lab next week.  Looking forward to seeing it. 

Have a great week


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